Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Losing teeth

A few days ago at the beach club- Jordyn had a loose tooth. A few of my friends and I were relaxing with mimosas on the sand. ( I know- very responsible mother) Jordyn had gone to the bathroom and was carried back screaming and blood covering her mouth. Dave and I knew it was her tooth- so we didn't panic. Apparently, when she came out of the bathroom with a water bottle in her mouth a little boy ran into her ( by accident).She was a great sport about it and as soon as we cleaned her up she went out to run in some of the races they do at the club. Here are some new pictures of my cute, toothless little girl!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hoping for Michael Phelps!! or just across the pool

Here are some photos of Jordyn's last swim lesson. She had been doing so nicely but she really doesn't trust herself- so going into the deep end was a huge deal. She did it though- just on her own terms.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Chicago and back

I went to go visit Ileana,Chris and Sophie in Chicago a few days ago. I had the pleasure of meeting Ileana's friend Kim as well as other Chicago Mom's- all of whom adopted from China as well. They were all so nice and of course- now I want to move to Chicago, I love that city. Chris and Ileana go to their farmer's market and I was so inspired I started to visit one near our house as well. Sophie is adorable and the next time we see each other I'll bring the whole family.