Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Construction continued

Things here are getting a little better. A lot of the work has been done- cabinets are starting to go in- that's a good sign, right? Things are going in- not coming out. Hopefully by the end of next week- we'll have fridge.

Friday, August 17, 2007

our life has been turned upside down

There are boxes throughout our living room, dishes in our closet and china in our entertainment center. We are hoping our kitchen is going to get started very soon. When the men delivered the cabinets today they thought there were two that were not going to fit into the apartment. One fit no problem, the other was a bit of a problem. The men insisted it was not going to fit through the doorway, they were right. I had to have the door removed but if that didn't happen, I swear I was going to Vaseline or K-Y the door. I was not having these men leave without having this last cabinet in the house. Anyway it looks like we have Home Depot in our house right now. Zoe is not very happy about it. I think I'm going to stay at my parents when the work starts.
On another topic I don't know if anyone is up on High School Musical but tonight was the big #2. Jordyn was very excited and could not wait to watch it. This must be the equivalent of how I feel about the Bourne movies.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Shock and Awe

I could not have done this without the help of two wonderful ladies at my beach club- Susie and Nikki. I can't believe I actually finished it. Zoe loves it!! She keeps walking around holding it. Jordyn didn't want one, she really only likes cotton.

Meanwhile, next week our cabinets are supposed to be delivered. We are gutting our kitchen and I have a stomach ache just thinking about it. I already had an issue with the cabinet people because of incompetence- so I hope they really do not mess up this order. Oh well- we like to keep it interesting around here.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I love Summer

This is really my favorite time of year- it couldn't have anything to do with not working right now- could it? I love being able to hang out with my friends and family. I love being on the beach with Zoe every day and bringing her to the pool. I think it is so great that she wants to try to swim, especially after she sees the bigger kids jumping in and doing it. Zoe actually has another ear infection right now ( her second one) which may be why she was so unhappy this weekend. So I have been trying to keep her head out of the water. I have found a wonderful way for her to take her meds though- in Mango juice from Trader Joe's. I put the Amoxicillan in that and there are no complaints.
Here are some more recent pics- enjoy!