Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Yeah- school's out!!!

This is my favorite time of year! School is out and my cuties go to camp for a few hours a day. I can relax, scrapbook and get organized. Right now I'm feeling pretty stressed though. Jordyn is having major dental work done on the 9th and will be having general anesthesia. I feel like I need a valium drip for the next few days. I know I'm suppose to be the strong one and be the rock. I'm a rock when I don't have time to think and fester about all the things that can happen, right now I'm a bowl of mush. She doesn't even know this is going to happen until that day. Everyone please wish me luck and send positive thoughts our way.

On another note I don't usually follow all the celebrity news but I have to say I felt quite abit of sadness from Farrah and MJ's passing. You know you had to feel bad about Farrah because MJ stole the thunder. They probably met up in heaven (or wherever you think we go) and Farrah must have been like- really, really you couldn't wait one or two more days could you?!!

Let's hope for no rain this weekend!!


Michele said...

Hey, are you going alone on the 9th? I can go with you if you want.


Ileana said...

I see you were able to change the blog around. Nice!
Glad you were able to re-schedule the dental work. As least now you won't stress about it all summer.
Let me know how it goes!

Jess said...

I really hope all goes well w/ Jordyn's dental work!! Be positive!! She'll be okay! I will def send prayers and positive thoughts your way! Keep us updated. Miss you.