Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ahhh Summer is Here!!

We spent a great weekend at the beach. I really love the beach so much- it may definitely be one of my favorite places on Earth. I just find it so calming until my kids are running all over the place and then it isn't so calm. They love the beach!! Zoe had a blast-she loved the pool, the other kids, everything. I also love that Jordyn can be so independent there. (It is a beach club- please don't think we just let her wander up and down the Atlantic coast). I also have many friends there who are knitters and help me with my projects. I just finished Jordyn's poncho and will post a photo at a later date. The one I made for Zoe is lost someplace in the mall-not my doing. I'll have to try to be adventurous and make her a sweater this summer. Oh well-let's see how much I can really accomplish.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I think Zoe can be the stand in...

for Dora. Dave brought her home a blow up Dora after he went to an amusement park with Jordyn. I had taken Zoe with me to Chinatown in NYC. I really do find it to be so amazing how much easier it is with one. That being said I am starting to itch for #3. We have no room here but at some point when we move in the next few years and the girls are older I hope to be able to bring an older boy home. I wouldn't adopt somebody older than Zoe because I don't think I would want to mess with the "birth order". I could see a 5 or 6 year old. Of course, Dave probably couldn't see it. Is it possible to have an accidental adoption? On my g-d!!! I don't know how that paperwork was filled out?!! It must have been the timing, I can't believe we were given a I-171H. How could that happen? I'll just have to sneak the social worker into my house for the home study. I know I have a few years before this happens- and it will happen:)!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

My New Favorite Neighborhood

We went to check out Long Island City today. The views of Manhattan are awesome and I love all the cute little bistros popping up all over the place. Jordyn kept asking to go back to play by the ocean. ( AKA the river) Have I not been taking this child to the beach every summer? We belong to a beach club where Jordyn goes to camp. How is she not able to distinguish the two types of water? Oh well!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

What to do with this hair?

Zoe's hair is coming in really think and almost wavy. Right now though, I feel like it's too short to do anything with it. I am happy to take suggestions. I have tried clips and she just keeps pulling them out. I like the headband but she didn't keep this on for more than two minutes- long enough to take the picture.

On another note- I read a lot of different blogs, especially those of other adoptive families. There has been some discussion about some of the blogs being all light and airy. I know I post pictures that are cute and of the girls having fun. I don't really like to discuss all the "heavy" stuff and believe nobody would want to see a picture of one of my kids in full rage mode. I think their emotional issues are theirs and I don't think I should post it.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Zoe has discovered Dora. She isn't speaking spanish yet but she loves,loves,loves Dora. I happen to think right now she looks a little bit like Dora. I think it might be the hair.

There are of course many differences between the girls and one of them is their size, Zoe is much taller and bigger than Jordyn. The nice thing is Jordyn could wear an outfit for more than a year and as of last summer was still wearing some 24 month, 2T clothes ( she was 4). Zoe is now wearing her pj's from last summer. I just donated bags of clothes because Zoe is growing by the minute. I am not complaining it just is something I'm not used to.
Baby- You could drive my car!!

We want to rock!!!
I asked Dave to change Zoe's diaper this morning . I came back to find this!!! Thanks- you've helped so much ( although, she does look cute and thought it was very funny).